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Supergirl trailer

The new Supergirl trailer is here!

DC Comics have been doing pretty well with their TV shows.  Are you ready for another?

Meet Kara Zor-El. If that name looks familiar it should, she’s the cousin of Kal-El (Superman to us non-Kryptonians). On Earth, she goes by the name of Kara Danvers, an executive assistant to a media mogul. Even though Clark wants her to be a superhero, he left that decision up to her. Concealing her powers for years, Kara has finally chosen to reveal herself – it’s time for the world to see what she can do!

Take a look at the new TV series Supergirl trailer coming this November on Supergirl on CBS. With the surge in popularity of comic book characters on TV and the big screen, we are sure that Supergirl is going to be a popular Halloween costume and cosplay character at comic conventions.

Kara Danvers/Supergirl: Melissa Benoist (Whiplash, Glee)

Cat Grant: Calista Flockhart (Brothers and Sisters, Ally McBeal)

Alex Danvers: Chyler Leigh (Grey’s Anatomy, Taxi Brooklyn)

Hank Henshaw: David Harewood (Homeland, Blood Diamond)

James Olsen: Mehcad Brooks

There will most likely not be any crossovers with Arrow, Gotham and The Flash since it will be airing on CBS and not The CW or Fox. But it does have the same production company as Arrow and The Flash, Berlanti Productions, so we will just have to wait and see (fingers crossed).

Up…up…and away!

Alex Benedicto

Alex Benedicto

3rd degree Black Belt in Sudoku and Minesweeper EOD specialist. Enlisted as a Steward on the Argo then eventually worked his way up to be a Black Tiger Pilot. Recruited as the original member of G-Force but moved on to help assemble The Voltes V Team. Trained both teams in the martial arts of Arnis, Escrima and Kali.

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