Hall H Show host Aaron Nabus talks to the owner of KID Comics; creator of comic book, The Power Knights; and the founder of Black Comix Day; Keithan Jones. This episode is also available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Deezer, Amazon Music, and Spotify. The Hall H Show is produced by Aaron Nabus and Alex Benedicto and is the “Voice of Independent Creators.”
Show Notes:
Joining host, Aaron Nabus on this episode is HallH.com co-founder, Alex Benedicto and our good friend, back for what seems like the 30th time, Keithan Jones, the owner of KID Comics, creator of The Power Knights, and the founder of Black Comix Day!
Black Comix Day is a free event that takes place on February 11 and 12, 2023 at the at the World Beat Center in Balboa Park, in San Diego, CA.
It’s been a while since we’ve had Keithan on (Episode 53 back in 2019), so we had a lot to catch up on and talk about.
Welcome back to the Hall H Show, Keithan!
Thunder Round Questions:
- Since the KID Comics motto is “The kid in you never dies,” what’s one childhood memory that makes you happy?
- What’s one of your favorite midnight snacks?
- What’s a band, musician, or type of music that people who know you would be surprised that you listened to?
- What three movies resonate with you and why do they resonate with you?
- What’s your overall opinion of the recent Black Panther: Wakanda Forever movie?
- If James Gunn was sitting here, what would you want to talk to him about?
- How does Artificial Intelligence (AI) art make you feel?
- What’s one thing on your bucket list that would surprise people?
- If you could travel to anywhere in the world and spend a month there, where would you go?
- You’re at a comic book shop and thumbing through the back issue bins. What comics would you look for?
- What’s one word you would use to describe yourself?
- It’s 2am at your local karaoke joint. You get to sing the last song. What song do you sing?
- Where do you want to eat after this podcast?
Black Comix Day 2023:

Follow Keithan Jones:
Black Comix Day 2023
Thank YOU:
And, thanks to our guest and good friend, Keithan Jones. Please give him a follow and consider supporting his comic book, The Power Knights and also the other comics books that he is lending his incredible artistic talents to.
Also, if you’re in San Diego on February 11 and 12, 2023, make sure to come to Black Comix Day at the World Beat Center in Balboa Park! It’s a FREE, all ages event that showcases and celebrates current indie and mainstream black comic and pop culture creators and inspires the next generation of black creators. Representation matters!
As you know, we love putting the spotlight on independent pop culture creatives, like Keithan. If you have a suggestion for a potential guest, please let us know by reaching out to us on social media or by filling out our contact form on our website, Hallh.com!
If you believe in our mission to be the voice of independent pop culture creators, please give us a rating (hopefully five stars) and a comment on Apple Podcasts. You can also find this podcast on Google Podcasts, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, Deezer, Amazon Music, and even Spotify!
Peace, cheers, and stay safe out there!