Hall H | Hall H Show
Hall H Show - Episode 66 - Kaitlyn Fae - Fruit Fly

Ep. 66 – Kaitlyn Fae

The Hall H Show podcast talked with Filipino-American filmmaker Kaitlyn Fae about her movie, Fruit Fly. This episode is also available on Google Play, iTunesStitcher, iHeart Radio and Spotify. The Hall H Show is hosted by Aaron Nabus and Alex Benedicto and is the “Voice of Independent Creators.”

Show Notes:

Hey there Hall H Show listeners!

Aaron Nabus here and on this episode, we’re joined by the talented actor, singer, writer and director, Kaitlyn Fae.

Fruit Fly is about a young woman named Jules who develops a thing for gay men after her seventh grade boyfriend leaves her for another girl. The movie follows her journey throughout middle school, high school, and college as she goes from one friendzone disaster to the next.

Aside from being a filmmaker, Kaitlyn is also a co-host of the Pangeekery podcast, which live streams every Tuesday night on Twitch and gives a diverse perspective on the current geeky news and happenings. We talk about this, being Filipino and more!

Speaking of being Filipino, a quick shout out to FilAm Creative. They are doing great things for the Filipino American creative community in Los Angeles.

I had so much fun getting to know Kaitlyn. I’m hoping to have her back on the Hall H Show in the near future and I”m looking forward to watching Fruit Fly! Enjoy!

Thunder Round Questions:

  1. If you could have a meal with anyone dead or alive, who would it be with and where you eat at?
  2. What would you do with a million dollars?
  3. What would you do with $100?
  4. If you had a chance to go on a one way trip back in time to change an event, what event would you change?
  5. You encounter a crash landed alien from another galaxy.  Since you are too busy to spend time with your new friend, what three anime would you have this alien watch while you go film your movie?
  6. If you were President of the U.S., what kind of art work would you hang up in the Oval Office?

Follow Kaitlyn Fae:

Seed and Sparkle (crowd funding page for Fruit Fly)

Follow Pangeekery:


Thank YOU:

I know that there are tons of other podcasts out there that you could be listening to and I’m humbled that you chose listen to ours!

Thank you so much for tuning into the Hall H Show podcast, where we love showcasing independent creators like filmmaker, Kaitlyn Fae. Please check out the crowd funding page for her movie, Fruit Fly!

If you believe in our mission to be the voice of independent creators, we would love a rating (hopefully five stars) and a comment on iTunes or where ever you listen to podcasts. Also, please share our episodes using the hashtag #HallHshow.

Peace, cheers and if you would like to recommend a guest for our show, please reach out to us on any of our social media accounts our contact form.

You can find this podcast on Google Play, iTunesStitcher, iHeartRadio and Spotify and our website, HallH.com.

Aaron Nabus

Aaron Nabus

After crash landing on Earth, Aaron Nabus grew to enjoy watching anime and Godzilla movies, reading comic books, eating kimchi, and playing 80's and 90's arcade, Nintendo and SNES games. When not roaming the galaxy, interviewing talented creators, he is a Graphic Designer, Brand Ambassador for the International Mobile Film Festival, founder and organizer of FilAm CreatorCon and a #ComicConFit motivator.

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